Rigging Out Supper
Supper Photos: Sue Hines Boat Photos: Paul Stevens
I thought that the Rigging Out Supper on Saturday evening was a great success - the quiz was lots of fun and it was obvious a lot of thought had gone into it, the food was as good as usual and the weather really was a bonus for those who travelled by boat. The hall looked great and the evening absolutely flew by - many many thanks to all those who helped either with food or setting up or clearing up afterwards - it's a cliché but we really couldn't do it without you!
As webite editor may I be so bold as to add a few words to Cally's. This event epitomises all that is great about our club. Everyone mucks in and does something and the afternoon/evening is all the more fun for it. With 8 boats coming down river to Stokesby it is fast becoming a sailing as well as a social event. For a Rigging Out Supper, that is amazing! So on behalf of over 60 members who who attended, I would like to add our thanks to the cooks, the furniture arrangers, the table setters, the hall decorators, the quiz setter and organisers, the clearer uppers and most of all our indispensible social secretary for doing such a brilliant job. Thank you Cally.