To be Chairperson for Committee and General Meetings.
To keep an overview of the general planning and day to day running of the club and its activities and to report the same to the committee.
To oversee the production of the club’s publications and communication with its committee and members and to report the same to the committee.
To preside over the official functions of the Club (Dinner Dance, Prize-givings etc.)
To clarify the expectation and duties of the Officers, Committee and members accepting other responsibilities for the benefit of the club.
To seek potential future committee members and flag officers to ensure continuity.
To be Vice Chairperson for Committee and General Meetings
To plan and arrange, in consultation with the committee, the sailing programme and the manning of the club’s sailing events (Officers of the Day, safety boat crew, timekeeper, cruise leaders etc.) and to report the same to the committee.
To record all results and keep details of trophy winners, ensuring their safe return to the club in time for re-presentation and to arrange purchase of prizes.
No longer expected but to send results and any report and photos to the press preferably by the Tuesday following the event for possible publication on the Thursday (EDP - Chris Lakey
To send results of all open and club River Cruiser races to the River Cruiser registrar at
OODs will provide the results and preferably should write a report. If John Aves assists with producing the results he will send them to the RCC automatically. (There are full instructions to OODs available if anyone wishes to have a copy email
It is normally expected that the Mate will be first in a line of succession to the Skipper.
Second Mate
To provide support to the Skipper and Mate in their duties and stand second in line of succession to the Skipper
Hon. Secretary
To take, write up and record the minutes of committee meetings and distribute them to the committee in good time.
To take, write up and record the minutes of the AGM and other general meetings and make them available at subsequent general meetings.
To handle the routine correspondence to and from the club as required and report the same to the committee.
Hon. Treasurer
To facilitate the paying of bills, the settlement of expenses and the handling of money received by the club.
To keep account of the club’s financial status, its income and expenditure and the value of its assets and to report the same to the committee as required.
To produce annual accounts of the club and to report the same to Annual General meeting.
Hon. Membership Secretary
To keep a record of memberships, subscriptions, contact and boat details with due regard for the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). reporting the same to the committee.
To send out membership renewal notifications to the membership, no later than 14th February each year.
To advise the membership of any alteration to subscriptions, standing orders, conditions of membership etc.
To refer applications for membership to the committee.
To organise the active promotion of the club to suitable new members.
To facilitate communication with the membership by providing contact details to the officers or committee as may be required.
To organise in consultation with the committee, the purchase, storage and maintenance of all club equipment, including, sheds, safety boat, engines, mowers, racing buoys etc., and report the same to the committee.
To organise in consultation with the committee such help as may be needed from the members in this (working parties etc.).
Social Secretary
To plan, arrange and publicise in consultation with the committee, the social events and functions of the club, co-ordinating bookings and payments and collecting money for tickets from members as appropriate.
TMOR Co-ordinator
To co-ordinate the planning and organisation of Thurne Mouth Open Regatta and its sailing and social events.
To convene and chair any subcommittee as may be necessary for this purpose.
To report progress in planning to the EACC committee.
EX- Officio (Co-opted)
To act as advisor to the EACC committee and pass on to the Skipper the benefit of his/her experience as a former club Skipper.
Moorings Officer
To organise in consultation with the committee and in accordance with the moorings policy, the allocation of moorings to members in such a way as to maximise income to the club.
To administer such mooring fees as may be determined by the committee
To organise maintenance of the club site and to advise on such works which the club carries out which may affect the use of the moorings.
To represent the interests of the mooring holders to the committee.
Insignia Officer
To source, order and make available for members to purchase an appropriate range of club merchandise.
PCS December 2008 (amended December 2014)