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Pre-Season work parties took place today, 17th March at the club site and at the TMOR site. The indoor painting in the clubhouse was completed, balustrades and steps to the decking constructed. Strimming was done around the mooring although the geese had done a good job at keeping the grass short. Mole hills were levelled, shrubs planted, mowers serviced, priorities established for future piling and bank maintenance. Additionally a safety boat full of members armed with strimmers and brush cutters headed down river to the TMOR site to cut access paths prior to the bird nesting deadline.

Work party 2

 Work party 4Work party 3







Work party 6


















Work party 1

Work party 5














Since 9th October when the main structure of the clubhouse was completed, lots of help has
been needed on the cladding, roofing, guttering, flooring, decking and painting.


Save the date: Friday Evening, 2nd May 2025 - GRAND OPENING


We are extremely grateful for the efforts that members have gone to in order to contribute towards the construction of the clubhouse, and we are hugely indebted to the team for what they have delivered this year. 


The clubhouse was recognised as a community project by NNDC, and this North Norfolk Rural Business and Community project has been part-funded by the UK Government through the Rural England Prosperity Fund and was supported by North Norfolk District Council and delivered in Partnership with Norfolk County Council.

The Rural Fund supports the aims of the government’s White Paper and Future Farming Programme. It funds capital projects for small businesses and community infrastructure. This will help to improve productivity and strengthen the rural economy and rural communities.




Thursday 22nd November 2024

Finally finished.

                            BEFORE  (20th July 2024)                                                                         AFTER (21st November 2024)

Friday 18th November 2024

Finished "bar the shouting", give or take a bit of cupranoling, window painting, the missing edging strip and some cleaning and tidying inside. David has even made us a brilliant coffee table from some of the left over scrap wood. Final clear up and photos on Thursday.

Friday 15th November 2024


We have finished laying the vinyl laminate floor. We still have to fix the skirting which we will now do on Monday. The decking team will finish it on Monday except that we need to put an edging strip on the front of the step that runs the full width of the decking but we are a few pieces short. The painting still has to be finished. Hopefully Cally can get this all done this week in anticipation of finishing when Timber Buildings come to fix the mullions that have fallen off the doors and windows! We then need a significant clean up party. We're hoping to organise that for either Tuesday or Thursday. Nearly there!

Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th November 2024

Tom Cupranolled the rest of the floor on Wednesday and today we had a productive morning session. The majority of the interior laminate flooring has been laid with just a few fiddly bits around the doors to do tomorrow along with fixing the skirting boards. Outside, the decking surface is all fixed in place and work on the step up, at the front, is proceeding at a pace. It is hoped that the window painting will be finished tomorrow too.

Tuesday 12th November 2024

A cold northerly wind, with wintery showers made it not much fun working outside today. Decking surface all but finished but lots still to do on the front step up onto the decking and finishing around the edges. Amazon let us down with Cupranol promised for yesterday so no more work on the flooring today. Hope to resume that on Thursday.

The painting crew were at it again today and report all finished except for one window at the back. They are looking forward to removing all the masking tape.

Monday 11th November 2024


Friday 8th November 2024

A big push was made today with eight members on site. The painters finished the front doors and inside the laminate flooring has been laid up to the mid point of the floor and the remainder cleared and sanded almost ready for Cupranoling the floor walls and ceiling on Monday prior to finishing the laminate flooring. Outside the decking is now progressing at pace.

Thursday 7th November 2024

A start was made on the laminate flooring this morning but has not progressed as quickly as we had hoped. A similar story with the decking but we are getting there. More of the same tomorrow when the painting party are also having a session. Hopefully we'll keep out of each other's way.

Wednesday 6th November 2024

State of play to date.

Inside: The back half of the floor has been cleared, sanded, vacuumed and sprayed with Cupranol along with the corresponding walls and ceiling.
Outside: The guttering and drainpipe are all fitted. The decking is almost ready for the big push. 

Tomorrow: It is hoped to lay half the laminate flooring and prepare and cuprinol the other half. Hopefully we'll be ready to extend the decking outwards.
Friday: The painting party continue from where they left off on Tuesday.

Some more volunteers for either day would be helpful.

Tuesday 5th November 2024



The window painting work party, lead by Cally, made a start today. The windows are masked up and the first coat of white paint applied.







Monday 4th November 2024

There is not a huge amount to see from this morning but good progress was made never-the-less. Some window and frontage trim was tidied and replaced as necessary. The guttering is done along the front and a lot of work has gone into the decking structure.


The window painting work party starts tomorrow morning.


A concerted effort on the decking is planned for Wednesday morning when it is also hoped to get the laminate flooring on site.








Friday 1st November 2024

Just a small work party of three this morning but all the roofing is now finished. A key safe has been fitted and a start made on the guttering.

We are having a rest over the weekend with the next stint being on Monday morning when the plan will be to ferry more timber over for the decking structure and also the laminate flooring for inside. We'll finish the guttering and clean and tidy the interior. Then, if there is time, spray the interior with Cupranol.

The window woodwork is all complete and ready for the planned painting group to make a start.

Any further offers of help would be greatly appreciated. 





Thursday 31st October 2024

All roofing sheets are now on and the capping is in place, fixed down and fastened fully over half its length. That should be finished tomorrow. The decking is progressing well with the step down from the double doors completed.

Wednesday 30th October 2024 

This morning’s shift made good progress on the decking. This afternoon’s shift fitted all the wooden trims and waterproofing round all the windows and doors. Tomorrow hopefully we can get the roof finished.

Tuesday 29th October 2024

Front Roofing now complete and a start made on the back. Decking still in planning stage. Another work party tomorrow.

Friday 25th October 2024 

Thursday 24th October 2024

It's been a steep learning curve today trying to work out the best way of fitting the roof panels so it looks good, is weatherproof and ventilated, but all the battening is completed and the first roofing sheet is fitted. Tomorrow's work party will be occupied in ferrying the decking over to the site from Tom's trailer. Then if there is enought time more roofing sheets will be added.

Wednesday 23rd October 2024

Painting finished for now. Roof battens on the front and half the back. Will finish that and should be able to get some of the heavy metal roofing sheets on tomorrow. We could do with a few more hands to enable us to do it safely.

Tuesday 22nd October 2024

With just four of the regular clubhouse working group available this morning progress was a little slow. But all the little infill bits of cladding were done and the painting completed on the front and the two ends. Just the back to do tomorrow and hopefully, we can make a start on the roofing.

Monday 21st October 2024

Cladding finished apart from a few fiddly infill bits. Painting work party tomorrow before we start on the roofing.

Friday 18th October 2024

The front is finished and there are just few more boards to add to the north side. The team are taking a rest over the weekend. The next session will be on Monday at 1.30pm, when we hope to finish the cladding so we can make a start on the roofing.

Thursday 17th October 2024

Front cladding almost finished


The site looking good from the river this morning and this evening.

Wednesday 16th October 2024

Short afternoon today but good ground work done for tomorrow pm when we should get the front finished.

Monday 14th October 2024

More progress on the cladding today

Sunday 13th October 2024





















Cladding session this afternoon, more tomorrow morning.

Saturday 12th October 2024

One side clad. Three more to go. Next work party Monday 14th October

Thursday 10th October 2024

How are we looking? All construction rubbish removed from the site today. We start the cladding on Saturday morning.

Wednesday 9th October 2024
































Structure finished ready for cladding, corrugated roofing and decking.

Tuesday 8th October 2024

We are now essentially watertight. Basic construction should be completed tomorrow, Wednesday 9th October.

Monday 7th October 2024

Now we are getting there! Not bad for one day's work.



It's arrived but it doesn't look like a clubhouse yet!

Wednesday 11th September 2024

The work party has fine tuned the position of the telegraph poles, jacked up the ring beam, laid and fastened the weed supressing membrane, replaced the ringbeam, checked all is level and square, coach screwed the ring beam to the poles at each bearing point and along the two outside poles. The base is now complete and ready for the erection of the basic building by Timber Building Specialists which, if all goes to plan, should be the week beginning 7th October. It would be appreciated if people could keep out of their way whilst the work goes on.

Wednesday 4th September 2024

Ring Beam in place. 14 members turned out today to help achieve this major step forward.

Ring Beam arrives and is transported to the site.

Friday 9th August 2024 

Monday 5th August 2024













































Tuesday 16th July 2024

Following the approval from the Broads Authority to the variation application to our planning permission for the smaller internal dimensions for the clubhouse, the sub-committee team worked on the application for the capital grant from NNDC from their UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 

The grant application required 3 quotes for all aspects of the project construction in order to show due diligence in sourcing the best prices, so the team obtained a number of different quotes for each element of the build, including the foundations, the clubhouse and the decking. 

The total build cost for the clubhouse will be a few pennies short of £40k, so the grant application was asking for an award of £30k, which is 75% of the total cost.

The quotes were all collated and submitted with the application, along with a number of other legalities that were requested including a copy of the lease, copies of the planning permission, confirmation of lead times from suppliers, evidence of funding etc. 

On Monday 15th July, NNDC confirmed that EACC had been successful in the grant application, and had been awarded a grant of £30k towards the clubhouse!

The sub-committee team is now moving at pace to instruct suppliers with proceeding to action their quotes, and we are working with the suppliers to confirm lead times and delivery schedules in order to ensure each phase of the project is planned and ready to proceed.

As a consequence, members are likely to experience an amount of disruption on the moorings as building materials and timber are delivered and held on the moorings, so we ask for your patience and understanding whilst the foundations are constructed in time for the arrival of the clubhouse around mid September.

With the first two deliveries of materials being mainly telegraph poles, timber and paving slabs for the foundations, the team really need help and support from club members with moving these heavy and bulky items. The only way to transport the materials to the moorings is by river, so we need help with lifting and shifting every item from the staithe via the safety boats to the moorings.

If you are available to help in any way over the next couple of weeks, please contact Skipper for more information. Exact dates are TBC, but we are going to need help on either Saturday 27th July or Saturday 3rd August, subject to the delivery dates from the suppliers.

Jamie Martin-Bennett


Saturday 20th July 2024

Clubhouse site marked out.

MONDAY 24th July 2024

The variation to the planning permission with the smaller internal dimensions mentioned below has been granted.


Monday 17th July 2024

The fund raising sub-committee have been working hard since the AGM in December 2023 to understand the next stages of the construction of the clubhouse, particularly with regards to understanding the costs and the different methods of construction for both the foundations and the clubhouse.

The sub-committee started with an expectation that the club would have professionally installed foundations and the members would build the clubhouse from scratch. However, it quickly became apparent that there were a number of challenges with building the clubhouse as per the original plans from 2020, mainly due to the size of the clubhouse, and the complexity of the foundations requiring building regulation submissions that added significant cost and difficulties to the build. 

As a consequence, the team investigated options to reduce the size of the clubhouse from 40sqm to 30sqm internal floor area since this significantly reduced costs and the need to submit to building regulation control. We could then build the foundations ourselves and purchase an off-the-shelf clubhouse, and have this erected by the supplier.  The EACC Committee discussed this proposal and agreed with the recommendations made by the sub-committee team. 

Whilst investigating the challenges with the build, the fund-raising sub-committee also began to look for grants to fund the clubhouse, and following a call with North Norfolk District Council they learnt that there was a UK Shared Prosperity Fund capital grant available that could fund up to 75% of the project available. The team met representatives from NNDC at the moorings to talk through the project and they were very receptive to the idea and showed a positive interest in financially supporting the club. The grant is only available for 2024, and the project must be completed before the grant pays out, so the sub committee were given a very clear deadline that the clubhouse must be completed by the end of the year if we wanted to apply for the grant.

To qualify for the grant the applicants must have full planning permission in place, and so the sub-committee began to delve deep into the detail of the planning permission from 2020 and quickly learnt that a smaller clubhouse would require a variation application to be made to the Broads Authority asking for permission to amend the design to a smaller building. Therefore, working with the clubhouse supplier, the team submitted a variation application for a building of 30sqm internal area – and with an outside measurements of 7.05m x 4.55m – 32 sq m. The variation application was submitted on 13th May and goes to the Planning Committee on 21stJune and on which we are optimistic that they will grant us permission.

In addition to full planning, the grant application requires 3 written quotes for each part of the project, and so the team have been sourcing a number of quotes for each element of the build, including the foundations, the clubhouse and the decking. These will all be collated and submitted with the grant application as long as we receive a positive outcome to the planning variation application.

All in all it has been a very busy 6 months for the sub-committee team since the AGM, and if both the planning application and grant funding are approved in the coming weeks we will be looking to begin works on the foundations in July working through into August, with a potential clubhouse build date around late September, followed by any additional works to include fitting the decking and cladding, and the team are therefore confident we will complete the clubhouse build before the end of the year as required by the grant conditions. 

In order to achieve these dates however, the team will be reaching out for help and support from members so if you interested in helping please contact Skipper for more information.

Jamie Martin-Bennett

Skipper - 17th June 2024










Ground testing for screw piles has been untertaken on the club site.

We await the results with interest.


25th January 2024


Photo Right: Tom Moore







UPDATE 5.2.2024: The ground testing above suggests that screw piles will not be a suitable option on our site and as a result viable alternatives are being investigated.





At the committee meeting on 8th January 2024 a fund raising sub committee was formed to investigate and apply for grants to pay-back the costs incurred as agreed at the 2023 AGM.






At the AGM on 9th December 2023 a presentation and proposal to build a clubhouse on the EACC moorings was made by Tom Moore.

The current situation was summarised with regards the approved planning permission that is in place for the clubhouse and the proposed building design.

An overview of potential building materials that could be used and likely costs was given, and a summary of possible piling issues and solutions.

Tom kindly offered to fund the project on the proviso a Fund Raising Sub-Committee was set up to investigate and apply for grants to pay-back the costs incurred.

The proposal was to ask for a ‘Go / No Go’ from the members to empower the committee to go ahead with the next stage of the development to understand in more detail the costs and construction methods before starting any works.

Questions from the members:

  1. 1)  Planning permission was 3 years ago, has this expired? No – works have already started by

    building the shed so there are no issues with the PP

  2. 2)  Were the moorings over-topped in the recent flooding? Would this be an issue? No – the

    shed was fine and proposed screw pilings will keep the clubhouse 100mm clear of the


  3. 3)  Once the site is developed will there be an increase in rent from the landlord? No – the

    landowner is fully aware of the plans and the rent is locked down in the new 7 year lease.

  1. 4)  What is the usage of the building? Will all members have access to it? Is it only for club events? Will moorings holders have access to the clubhouse? Yes – similar to the shed there is likely to be a combination lock that will allow members to have access at all times.

  2. 5)  Is there an option for a toilet? Yes – compost toilet is an option and is approved in the PP.


Proposed by Colin Chettleburgh, Seconded by Ian Stewart. 17 voted for, 1 voted against, 4 abstained. Proposal was approved to proceed to build the clubhouse.





15th June 2020


You will be aware that for some time the EACC committee has been considering the possibility of a clubhouse on our moorings. The club was offered the lease of the adjoining plot and new building, but the extra land had no advantage to the club, equally there were no additional moorings and eventually the rental cost of this proved to be prohibitive. This led us to thinking about the condition of the existing storage facilities on the EACC site. The small shed is no longer fit for purpose and the green box, although still in reasonable condition has limited space and a somewhat cumbersome lid. A sub-committee was formed to consider the problem.


The original idea for the shed was a garden shed, bought from a standard shed manufacturer and measuring about 12’ x 8’ to sit on the same site as the existing storage. The budget for this was about £1000 for the shed and the same or a bit more for the necessary drawings and the planning permission.


As planning approval was needed, the committee agreed to submit a planning application to the Broads Authority for a shed to replace both the tin shed and the green box. After much consultation with the landowner, their agent and the Broads Authority, we decided to include on this planning application a plan for a new clubhouse. The committee is aware that the club does not have the financial resources, nor the agreement from club members, to erect a clubhouse but felt the opportunity was too good to let pass. The sub-committee will investigate costs including securing grants for the construction of the entire development.


This application was drawn up professionally and we are pleased to tell EACC members that we have been granted planning permission for both the storage shed and a potential clubhouse. There are conditions attached to the permission, but they are all solvable.

The Committee agreed that the replacement of the storage shed really cannot wait and has decided that this must be done whatever happens with the potential clubhouse. We are therefore pursuing quotes from shed manufacturers and investigating grants.

The clubhouse will be costed carefully and together with the cost of the storage shed, the sub- committee will seek grants. If available this could cover the cost of the whole development of the site. If a grant is not available then the clubhouse will not be built, but we will still proceed with the storage shed from existing club funds.


The Committee fully realises this will be an ongoing commitment for the club in future years. So, rest assured that before we progress with the clubhouse we will have a discussion with the membership of EACC, either at the next AGM or at an EGM.


Tom Moore is the lead in this project, please speak to him or any member of the committee if you have any further questions.


15th June 2020