Laying Up Supper 2017
Photos by Paul and Jane Stevens
Report by Paul
Click here for a list of the season's trophy winners
With most of the fleet safely tucked up for winter it was time to look back on the wonderful events of the season. And what a great season it has been, made all the better by the revival of EACC’s spiritual home, The Lion Inn at Thurne. After years in the doldrums it has returned to the status of East Anglian Cruising Club’s venue of choice.
For our well attended Laying Up Supper, Celebration Dinner, Annual Prize-giving, call it what you will, it did not disappoint. From the spacious room which we filled comfortably and decorated beautifully with our trademark flags and bunting, to the beautifully presented 3 course meal and the incredible array of beers wines and spirits, the enthusiastic staff and the well prepared illustrated review of the year by our Skipper, Jo Edye, the evening was a resounding success.
Not only did we see the year unfold on the screen but also trophy presentations from the club’s three regattas were unusually interspersed at the appropriate places. This included the inaugural ‘Ribs of Beef’ trophy, an enormous pair of mounted bull’s horns presented to Philip Dring who dubiously won an unlikely race between two bridges about 100 metres apart in the centre of Norwich whilst on the Southern Crivers Cruise. The evening was further, spiced up (as if it needed to be) by an infuriatingly difficult Broads wind pump pictorial quiz devised by Sue Hines and won by Malcolm Duffield, the ubiquitous caption competition, a raffle organised by our charities organser Lesley Everett, adding to the total already raised for this year’s charity, The Nancy Oldfield Trust. The results of the Great Jigsaw Challenge were announced, also run in aid of the charity by the Rangers, the winner’s bottle of bubbly becoming two with the surprise announcement that there had been a tie for 1st place with Team ‘Starshell’ (Paul and Ruth Bonham) and Team ‘Pippa the Moorhen’ (Rose Angell and Tom Moore) both with a time of 15:43:98! Full results here.
It was well after midnight by the time the last of us were shepherded out. Many thanks to Cally, Jo and all who worked so hard to make it such a great evening.
2017 Club Trophies presented at the Laying Up Supper
11th December 2017 at Lion Inn, Thurne
Spring Regatta - RCC - Morning Tankard - Steve Seeney, Mischief
Spring Regatta - RCC - Afternoon Tankard - John Burton, Buccaneer
Summer Regatta - RCC - Cooke Cup - Jo Ford, Mystery
Summer Regatta - Allcomers - Ebbage Cup - Rose Angell, Nennen
Summer Refatta - RCC - Roy Pike Cup - Paul Stevens, Pippinjack
Summer Refatta - Allcomers - Greyhound Cup - Geoff Angell, Nennen
Summer Regatta - RCC - Fillibuster Cup - Hilary Franzen - Martlett
Summer Regatta - Allcomers - International 14 Trophy - Geoff Angell, Nennen
Autumn Regatta - Any class or rating - Jubilee Cup - Paul Stevens, Pippinjack
Autumn Regatta - Any class or rating - Joe Delf Trophy - Steve Seeney, Mischief
Bradnock Trophy - Paul Stevens, Pippinjack
Crew’s Trophy - Jane Stevens, Pippinjack