Southern Rivers Cruise 2016
Photo: John Thornicroft
Jasper, Pip and Molly thought it would be frightfully jolly to go for a summer cruise, They took some old folk in some very pretty boats and one hell of a lot of booze.
In a nutshell that sums up another epic EACC week on the southern rivers. The dogs came and we went with them. A lot of miles were covered, there was some good sailing, friendships affirmed and many, many pints sunk. EACC, as one passer by observed, is a drinking club with a sailing problem!
It was not all fun and games however, as this year, our Social Secretary, Cally, insisted on an educational element - a gin tasting experience. A pop-up gin bar with seven different gins and their various and varied accompaniments suddenly appeared on Trowse Meadow (our favourite mooring spot this year).
Tasting notes had been printed and a table thoughtfully decorated and prepared. But, to be honest, it then all began to fall apart. “Mmm, try this one.” “I really like this.” “Blimey, how many have I had?” For three boats, never mind their crews, it all became a bit too much and they fell over.
Some blamed a lack of water as the tide went out, but perhaps a little more tonic and slightly less gin might have helped. All was mended by bedtime. Favourite gin of the night? Blackwood from Shetland.
One evening in a pub (where else?) Jo bragged that he could do it best. Colin C disagreed, saying he was better and could prove it. Dave T said it had been a long time but he was sure that he could still manage. Someone suggested that I might be an expert but Mrs Crew promptly put them right on that! And so the ‘Great EACC Egg Poach Off’ was born.
Fresh competition eggs were bought, weighed, measured and carefully guarded overnight by our leaders. A venue was agreed - Surlingham Broad - and a time - 10:00am. Judgement, like all subjective judgement, was dark and mysterious and greatly open to bribery, although Mrs Judge did mutter that she was not impressed with the bribes. The deserved winner? Jo, who really can do it best!
Other days passed in a bit of a blur. At least three folk fell in, off or between boats. Was this ginduced? And who were they? One boat inadvertently tipped their muddy overboard and could not work out why they were sailing so slowly. Ginduced? Which boat? My lips are sealed.
All too soon we were at Geldeston taking over the entire mooring. One other boat did manage to squeeze in at the far end, were quickly made temporary, Honorary Members and joined the party. Then, with dire gale warnings for the weekend ahead most of us decided to up mudweights and head homewards. It was a long passage but made in good company and with some favourable sailing winds once we got clear of the trees.
BIG thanks to Cally. You were gintastic.
ENORMOUS thanks to Jimmy & Carolyn for organising such a great trip and for introducing many participants to parts of the Broads they had never visited before.
At a guess, next year’s cruise will commence on Saturday, 12th August. Put it in your diary now!
Roger Everett
Gin Menu
Blackwoods (Shetland) served with Fever-Tree Indian Tonic Water, Mint and Lime
Blackfriars served with Fever-Tree Indian Tonic Water and Lemon
Bloom served with Fentimans Tonic Water and Strawberry
Gin Mare (Spain) served with Fever-Tree Mediterranean Tonic Water and Rosemary
209 (San Francisco) served with Fever-Tree Indian Tonic Water and Pink Grapefruit
Haymans Old Tom served with Fever-Tree Indian Tonic Water and Lime Wedge
Tanqueray No 10 served with Fever-Tree Mediterranean Tonic Water and Pink Grapefruit
EACC favourite - Blackwoods Runner Up (and best bottle) Gin Mare
Photographers: Roger Everett, Jimmy James, John Thornicroft and Paul Stevens