Yare and Bure One Design Open
Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th October
Race control was moored up stream of Thurne Mouth in typical Norfolk weather - RAIN!!! (but Skin is waterproof).
Four boats took part: Lysandra, J Lovett, Silver Blue, S Daniels, Zephyrus, L Chettleburgh, Fox, C Bun.
Southerly 18mph gusting 20, low water 13.20
Race One 14.30
Chris Bun was in the lead for most of the first round until an error of navigation.
1st54 Silver Blue
2nd44 Zephyrus
3rd59 Lysandra
4th 132 Fox
Race 2 15.45
The lower mark was moved further downstream.
1st 132 Fox
2nd 54 Silver Blue
3rd 59 Lysandra
4th 44 Zephyrus
Southerly 10-15mph. A bright sunny day after the mist cleared.
Race 3
Chris Bunn took the honours after replacing the navigator. The course was shortened after one round.
1st 132 Fox
2nd 54 Silver Blue
3rd 44 Zephyrus
4th 59 Lysandra
Race 4
Chris Bunn started late to give the others a chance but still came first.
1st 132 Fox
2nd 54 Silver Blue
3rd 59 Lysandra
4th 44 Zephyrus