Rigging out Supper 2015
The annual EACC Rigging Out Supper was held on Saturday 25 April at Stokesby village hall and was attended by a record breaking 43 people, plus a couple of bouncers from the Parish Council to make sure it didn't get out of hand. Obviously Wino Wiggins's reputation goes before her. A number of club members came by boat, which is always nice given that we are a sailing club, and Mike McNamara gave a fabulously interesting talk about setting your boat up so that it goes like the proverbial pooey stuff off garden tools from B&Q. It seemed to go down well and here are a selection of utterly unsolicited and genuine comments:
"Was that the best start to the season ever? Probably" Chubby fella with scottish wife
"Great evening, thanks from us both" bloke from Dilham
"A brilliant evening, excellent food, company and entertainment" P.E. Ntax
"Nights like this really pump me up" D Cameron, Witney
"Eat more coleslaw" kitchen staff
It was great to see so many members and welcome new members too. We hope it heralds the start of a fantastic season and EACC look forward to seeing you all on the water.
Cally Smith

Photos: Cally Smith and Jane Stevens