Saturday & Sunday, 25th & 26th June

   Photo: Frankie Little

We had 11 entries for the weekend which was not too bad for the 1st return. There were 3 races- The Pursuit Race Saturday afternoon, a roundabout Sunday morning and the 3rd race a traditional “round the cans”.

The fleet handicaps were from +1 to - 17. The wind was from roughly South in the upper teens with some 25 mph gusts.

The pursuit 100 mins started from the time of the 1st starter, which was Pickle with a downriver start from Boundary Dyke giving the fleet an upwind start. It was pleasing that all boats were at or very near the start line at their allotted time, apart from 1 who went gardening. Pickle went off like a train and was unlikely to have been caught but for a gear failure just before the end leaving Catspaw the winner with Wandering Rose 2nd and Sandpiper 3rd. Tinkerbell, having explored Upton Marshes was 4th.

Sunday morning the wind was still Southish and appeared to have filled. Most skippers decided a reef was the order of the day. The boats could start either direction, take the marks in any order, provided they were rounded in accordance with instructions. There were 10 starters. This was a very interesting race because no matter which way they started or which mark order all starters completed the course within a 10 minute window between 41 mins and 51 mins, 4 within a minute of each other, with Sabrina II and V separated by just 2 seconds. Once the handicaps were calculated the winner was Sandpiper, 2nd Wandering Rose and 3rd Sabrina II.

There were a fewer starters for the afternoon as the wind stayed in and, as someone said “we have had a great sail so far and do not want to push our luck and break something.” 8 boats in 3 starts competed, and again there was some very close sailing and in particular between the 2 Sabrinas. As with the previous races the elapsed time for all boats was close with Sandpiper 1st, May 2nd and Sabrina V 3rd. May missing out on a 1st because of a 1 minute penalty. 

The overall winner and new holder of the Moth Salver is Colin Little ably assisted by John Thornicroft in Sandpiper with Wandering Rose 2nd and Catspaw 3rd. 

Finally can I say thank you for the support I had over the weekend from John Aves, Tom Moore, and Ian Stewart on the line. Also Mike and Barbara Barnes, as they so often do, for once again manning the safety boats this weekend.



Race one - Pursuit

Sail No Yacht Name Pos
244 Catspaw 1
368 Wandering Rose 2
282 Sandpiper 3
418 Tinkerbell 4
429 Pickle DNF
348 Alchemy DNF
403 May DNF
218 Mystery DNF
152 Sabrina 2 DNF
338 Bewitched DNF
217 Melinda DNF

Race two - Individual start

Sail       Start Finish Pen Elapsed Corrected  
No Boat Name Helm Handicap Time Time Min Time Seconds Seconds Time Position
282 Sandpiper C Little -10%  10:17:41  11:02:03   00:44:22 2662 2396 00:39:56 1
368 Wandering Rose D Radley -2%  10:36:41  11:18:18   00:41:37 2497 2447 00:40:47 2
152 Sabrina 2 J Holmes -7%  10:30:26  11:14:31   00:44:05 2645 2460 00:41:00 3
131 Sabrina 5 M Frary -7%  10:35:08  11:19:15   00:44:07 2647 2462 00:41:02 4
418 Tinkerbell A Lincoln -7%  10:04:34  10:48:44   00:44:10 2650 2465 00:41:05 5
403 May K Rhead -10%  10:43:16  11:29:27   00:46:11 2771 2494 00:41:34 6
348 Alchemy R Smith -15%  10:02:54  10:54:20   00:51:26 3086 2623 00:43:43 7
244 Catspaw B Wilkins -5%  10:49:48  11:37:01   00:47:13 2833 2691 00:44:51 8
217 Melinda P Howes 1%  10:54:12  11:39:18   00:45:06 2706 2733 00:45:33 9
338 Bewitched C Chettleburgh -3%  10:32:33  11:20:39   00:48:06 2886 2799 00:46:39 10

Third Race - Conventional

    First Start Time: 13:30:00       Date: 26/06/2022        
    Start Interval: 00:05:00                  
Sail         Start Finish Pen Elapsed Corrected  
No Boat Name Helm Handicap   No Time Min Time Seconds Seconds Time Position
282 Sandpiper C Little -10%   3  14:58:31   01:18:31 4711 4240 01:10:40 1
403 May K Rhead -10%   3  14:58:02 1 01:19:02 4742 4268 01:11:08 2
131 Sabrina 5 M Frary -7%   2  14:52:31   01:17:31 4651 4325 01:12:05 3
152 Sabrina 2 J Holmes -7%   2  14:52:37   01:17:37 4657 4331 01:12:11 4
368 Wandering Rose D Radley -2%   1  14:45:06   01:15:06 4506 4416 01:13:36 5
338 Bewitched C Chettleburgh -3%   1  14:48:32   01:18:32 4712 4571 01:16:11 6
217 Melinda P Howes 1%   1  14:47:44   01:17:44 4664 4711 01:18:31 7
244 Catspaw B Wilkins -5%   2  15:03:48   01:28:48 5328 5062 01:24:22 8
418 Tinkerbell A Lincoln -7%   2 DNS   00:00:00 0 0 00:00:00 DNS
218 Mystery M Ford -9%   3 DNS   00:00:00 0 0 00:00:00 DNS
348 Alchemy R Smith -15%   3 DNS   00:00:00 0 0 00:00:00 DNS
429 Pickle P Montague -17%   3 DNS   00:00:00 0 0 00:00:00 DNS

The results of the third race have changed since the presentation as I thought that the penalty for hitting a mark was 2 minutes but I was then informed it was 1 minute which moved 403 May up to second place. Secondly I had not been informed that the start of that race had been moved 15 minutes earlier, but that did not change any positions.   I am sorry for those mistakes.  John Aves

Overall Results

Number Boat Name Helm Hdcap   Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Total Position
282 Sandpiper C Little -10%   3 1 1 5 1
368 Wandering Rose D Radley -2%   2 2 5 9 2
244 Catspaw B Wilkins -5%   1 8 8 17 3
131 Sabrina 5 M Frary -7%   13 4 3 20 4
152 Sabrina 2 J Holmes -7%   13 3 4 20 5
403 May K Rhead -10%   13 6 2 21 6
418 Tinkerbell A Lincoln -7%   4 5 13 22 7
338 Bewitched C Chettleburgh -3%   13 10 6 29 8
217 Melinda P Howes 1%   13 9 7 29 9
348 Alchemy R Smith -15%   13 7 13 33 10
429 Pickle P Montague -17%   13 13 13 39 11
218 Mystery M Ford -9%   13 13 13 39 11

The photos below are a selection from Sue Hines's record of the event.

Thank you Sue!