Autumn Regatta 2021


Photo: Paul Bonham


Sadly the designated OOD was struck down by illness at the very last moment so race organisation was down to a scratch team who don’t regularly race with EACC and didn’t have the advantage of the entry forms or the ability to add to the Whatsapp group to help communication . The decision was made to keep it simple, particularly as the wind was relatively light first thing. 

The start was from Oby by kind (last minute) permission of Donny Cooke. Fourteen boats came to the line and started in three fleets with slow boats going first. These had the benefit of a temporary increase in wind strength as a rain shower came through but this advantage did not last for long. The sequence had been pre arranged to aim that all boats arrived at the finish at approximately the same time. However with a light breeze and a following wind this resulted in rather more boats than was ideal converging on the  mark at Upton Dyke simultaneously. 

To benefit from the maximum time sailing on the main river the original plan to finish at South Walsham was abandoned in exchange for a longer first leg and the finish line was moved to St Benets.  The first six finishers arrived within five minutes of each other led by John Aves in Solace and closely followed by the trophy holder Phil Montague in Pickle. Strong gusts at the mouth of Fleet Dyke caught out several boats notably Evergreen who gave spectators a good view of her antifouling. Once handicaps were calculated, Pickle saved her time to retain the trophy from Pippinjack by three seconds and with Solace in third place only 25 seconds behind. All boats finished within twenty five minutes and the holidaymakers enjoyed the spectacle and participants enjoyed a little more time for lunch.

The return race enjoyed a brisker wind and John Holmes sailing Alice Rose crossed the line just before Pippinjack. The final results showed a win for Solace with John Holmes in second place. Changes of helm on Pickle and Martlet, who finished third and fourth, did not in any way disadvantage their performance and their usual helms may need to look to their laurels. Nathalie Montague, being a non-member, could not have her third place officially recorded but we would be delighted to welcome her to the club should she wish to join.

The day was not without its lighter moments for the scratch line and rescue crew. The efforts of enthusiastic participants to destroy the line marker just before the start caused some angst as did the arrival of the Mississippi river boat just before the second afternoon start. However, a good day racing in ideal conditions and one to remember through the dark days of winter.

Liz Ollier

Our thanks to Liz and Phil for stepping up at the last minute and running the event so well and also to Paul and Charlotte for manning the safety boat.



Race 1 Jubilee Cup

Split Start Nos. 1 - 11:00  2 - 11:05  3 - 11:10

Race 2 Joe Delf Trophy

Split Start Nos. 1 - 14:00  2 - 14:05  3 - 14:10


Many thanks to Paul Bonham, Nathalie Montague and Sally Jones for

the following photographic contributions


Photo: Paul Bonham

Photo: Sally Jones


Photo: Sally Jones


Photo: Sally Jones


Photo: Sally Jones


Photo: Sally Jones


Photo: Paul Bonham


Photo: Nathalie Montague


Photo: Nathalie Montague


Photo: Nathalie Montague


Photo: Nathalie Montague


Photo: Nathalie Montague


Photo: Nathalie Montague