Monday 19th October
Photos Jimmy James and Paul Stevens
Tom Moore and David Thomson have worked hard over the last couple of weeks building the new storage shed in Tom's workshop. Finally the day came to carry it all over to the clubsite in the safety boat and start assembling it. Looks good already!

Sunday 1st November 2020
Spring 2020

The extrodinary steps some members have taken to ease their withdrawal
symptoms whilst staying at home!

Many thanks to all those who have responded to the request for photos of members and/or their boats, showing whether or not they were in the water before the restrictions were imposed and what they are doing and how they are coping in these extraordinary times. It has yealded a surprising number of pictures. Here is a selection. Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..Many thanks to all those who have responded to the request for photos of members and/or their boats, showing whether or not they were in the water before the restrictions were imposed and what they are doing and how they are coping in these extraordinary times. It has yealded a surprising number of pictures. Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Country House Weekend
28th February - 2nd March
Photo: Paul S
Photo: Paul S
Photo: Paul S
Photo: Paul S

Photo: Paul S

Photo: Roger

Photo: Roger
Photo: Roger
Photo: Roger
Photo: Roger

Photo: Roger

Photo: Roger

Photo: Roger
Photo: Roger

Photo: Roger
Photo: Roger

"Forty kegs of brandy, forty more of gin, French wine, cigars and finest Dutch tobacco." No, not the skipper's provisioning for the Southern Rivers Cruise, but the refrain from one of the songs in the production of At The Turning of The Tide at the Maddermarket. The play charted the fortunes of a wherryman's family in the late 19th century, who, in addition to the usual occupational hazards of wind and tide, faced the challenges of progress in the form of the railways and found themselves having to adapt to a new way of living and the birth of tourism in the Broads. Smuggling, murder, a wreck on Breydon, some cracking songs and comedy mudweights, it made for a lively evening out.
A party of 27 from EACC attended for the Friday evening performance, many meeting first for a quick supper and everyone enjoyed themselves. The play was written and directed by EACC member Jo Edye who thanks everyone for their support.
Photo: Roger