Joint Social with YSC 2019

26th January 2019

The opening social event of the year was the joint social with our friends at the Yare Sailing Club, which gave us something to look forward to in the dark and often miserable month of January. Sadly it does tend to rule out those members who are doing dry January (at least, the ones who won't come to the pub 'just in case') but it is a welcome diversion for the rest of us who think January is hard enough as it is

Around 35 members from the two clubs came along to the event, this year held at the White Horse in Upton, which fairly filled the upstream end of the front bar which was good to see.  I do so like a pub takeover.  The group was probably split equally between the two clubs, plus the crossover members, and there was much banter and lively catching up before half the group disappeared into the back of the pub to eat.  The White Horse has a good reputation for home cooked pub food and did not disappoint - the pies are a thing of beauty and those who sensibly ordered them had a proper steak-and-ale-based treat. There was an impromptu book sale by Jan (Nudd), which redistributed some publications of local interest and raised some money for YSC (thanks Jan), plus a lot of chatting with old friends and meeting new people for some of us. 

It was a nice, convivial evening and it was good to see you all again and start another year.

The YSC have their next event (the annual dinner) on Saturday 2 February at the Royal Norfolk and Suffolk whilst EACC members are reminded of the winter walk on Sunday 10 February, details of have been circulated and published on the website .  

Photo: Sally Jones


Photo: Sally Jones


Photo: Jane Stevens