Autumn Cruise

Photos: Frankie Little

On previous occasions, Sandpiper-led cruises have enjoyed excellent weather conditions, with tail winds in both directions and wall-to-wall sunshine. This time, the forecast was terrible with storm and pestilence predicted variously to arrive either on Saturday or Sunday, or both!  

As early as Friday Brunette had wisely decided that having regard to the forecast, it would be prudent to abandon the trip under sail.  On Saturday morning Mossy reported that she had taken one look at the river, decided it was ‘bloomin rough’ and opted for Motoristadom for the arranged evening gathering. Glider and Sun Glory, scheduled to meet the fleet at the Salhouse lunch raft, decided that the Bure was much too rough for gin and tonics to be comfortably consumed and opted for a motor cruiser jolly to the New Inn later in the afternoon.

The forecast notwithstanding Pippinjack, Moon Daisy, Inseinity and Nutcracker set off from Thurne more or less on time, Moon Daisy, Nutcracker and Inseinity under heavily reduced rig and Pippinjack (unusually) under power, presumably in order not to frighten the older members of the crew!  Cruise leader Sandpiper, being ‘venue-local’ decided to venture out from her shed in Horning under engine with mast lowered in order to reduce windage and met the depleted fleet at Cockshoot dyke, following which all processed variously under power and sail to a five vessel raft on Salhouse Broad for lunch, for which rather fortuitously the rain more or less held off.

In anticipation of heavy showers the fleet then headed for the reserved moorings at the New Inn, Horning. Sandpiper made it back to her shed dry, but those following under sail were unfortunately  caught in a fairly penetrating rainstorm before tying up at the pub moorings to dry out and ‘cue Gin and Tonics’!

The convivial evening meal arranged at the New Inn was also attended by crews who had originally intended to sail or who, due to the weather cancelling club duties, suddenly found themselves at a loose end; Anne at the New Inn surpassed even her usual efficiency and produced food in good order, and another excellent EACC evening was enjoyed by all.

By all accounts Pippinjack, now depleted by an exit home by family members, Moon Daisy, Inseinity and Nutcracker, plus the motor cruiser masquerading as Glider, had a reasonably comfortable night despite the heavy rain showers and left for home promptly on Sunday morning. With a wet day and heavy wind gusts forecast, the planned lunch raft-up at South Walsham being abandoned. 


Sandpiper, Pippinjack, Inseinity, Moon Daisy, Nutcracker


Glider, Sun Glory


Brunette, Breeze, Moss Rose

Colin Little

Photo: Janr Stevens


Photo: Frankie Little