Friday 23rd May (evening) to Monday 26th May 2025


TMOR Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Details will be published here when available





















































Last year's programme for reference 





Friday 24th May (evening) to Monday 27th May 2024


TMOR Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Sailing & Social


Food will be available in the Marquee from Friday evening and throughout the weekend.


FRIDAY 24th May 

Bar open evening - Chili & Vege Chilli - available from 18.30 to 19.30            


Breakfast from 8.30/9.30 am Saturday to Monday.  Rolls, tea, coffee & cake available all day.



1. 10.00     Handicap for local boats.     (Split starts as required)

Herbert Woods Memorial Trophy (see rule 20h)

2. 11.00     Yare and Bure One Design

Tunbridge Cup (1st of 3 races, 2 to count)+ YBOD Traveller’s series

3.  11.05    Combined Allcomers inc. Broads One Design  (Split starts as required) (see S.I. 20.f.ii for trophy eligibility and rules)

Curtis Cup, Grapes Cup, East Anglian Charity Cup, Pat Atkins   Cup,TMOR C Cup, Whitbread Lacon Trophy

4.  12.20     River Cruisers
Lady Caroline Cup   (split start as required)

5.  14.10     Yare and Bure One Design   (2nd of 3 races, 2 to count)

Tunbridge Cup + YBOD Travelers Series 

6.  14.15     Combined Allcomers inc Broads One Design (Split starts as required) (see S.I. 20.f.ii for trophy eligibility and rules)

Curtis Cup/Grapes Cup/East Anglian Charity Cup/Pat Atkins Cup/TMOR C Cup/Whitbread Lacon Trophy

7.  15:30*  River Cruisers  (split start as required)

Ollerenshaw Cup for EACC Members Perpetual Trophy for non EACC members


Evening meal – Chicken & Chorizo Paella + vege Paella available from 18.30 to 19.30

From 19.30-ish Live entertainment by “Rum Dogs” - A mix of the Pogues, Bob Dylan and Americana with a twist.


2024 TMOR front cover

 SUNDAY 26th May

8.       09.45      Mixed One Designs
                         Arrow Cup   (see S.I. 20f)

9.       10.45      Yare and Bure One Design     (3rd of 3 races, 2 to count)
                         Tunbridge Cup  + YBOD Travellers Series

10.      10.50      Combined Allcomers inc. Broads One Design
                          Split starts as required. (see S.I. 20.f.ii for trophy      eligibility and rules)
                         Curtis Cup/Grapes Cup/East Anglian Charity Cup/Pat Atkins Cup/TMOR C Cup/Whitbread Lacon Trophy                                        11.      12.10*    River Cruisers
                         Ames Cup (1st of 2 races, both to count) split start as required.    

12.      13.40      Yare and Bure One Design
                          Berry Cup             (1st of 2 races, both to count)

13.      13.45      Combined Allcomers inc. Broads One Design   (1st of   2 races, both to count, split starts as required) (see S.I. 20.f.ii for trophy eligibility and rules)
                         Curtis Cup/Pritchard Trophy/Siren Trophy/Jeckells Junior Helm Trophy/Whitbread Lacon Trophy/Thurne Cup

14.      15.00      River Cruisers
                          Ames Cup (2nd of 2, both to count) split start as required.

15.      16.30     Crews Race
                         Dunkirk Trophy    (Entries by 15.00 please)

 Download a pdf version of the printed programme


Evening meal - Burger Bar & Vege Burger Bar - available from 18.30 to 19.30

From 19.30-ish, Live evening entertainment featuring Cutting the Mustard” - A blend of old and new songs from across the decades with skilled musicianship, harmonies and energy.


MONDAY 27th May

 16.     09.45      Yare and Bure One Design

Berry Cup     (2nd of 2 races, both to count)                                   

17.      09.50      Combined Allcomers Inc Broads One Designs     (Split starts as required)

Curtis Cup/Pritchard Trophy/Siren Trophy/Jeckells Junior Helm Trophy/ Thurne Cup (see S.I. 20.f.ii for trophy eligibility and rules)

18.     11.30 -13.00  Cock of the Broads Charity Passage Race for combined cruiser keelboats plus Allcomers and centerboard
          or daggerboard  dinghies over 18ft in length (no single handers - minimum crew of 2)
          All helms must be 16 or over on the date of the race. 
          The briefing for Cock of the Broads Passage race will be posted on the EACC website and on the noticeboard in the marquee.

Cock of the Broads Cup overall winner on handicap

Catriona Cup first RCC (excluding the COB if won by a RCC)

Ladybird Trophy for the fastest passage

Fantome Barometer for first RCC boat built before 1950

Eastwood Trophy for first lady helm (Minimum of 2 lady helms)

Heller Cup for fastest cruiser on handicap (non RCC)

Peacock Trophy for fastest Yare & Bure One Design

Fastest Broads One Design

Fastest Allcomers on handicap (excluding keel boats)


Competitors will book confidential start times from 9.00 am on the day of the race. Starts at 5-minute intervals from 11.30 am until 13.00 max 6 boats per start (the number of starters may be reduced by the committee if weather conditions dictate). Race duration approx. 1½ hrs. There will be a cutoff time for finishing at 14.30 hrs.


Prize-giving will be held in the marquee after the last race when race results are confirmed.


Races marked with an asterisk are part of the Frosty Cup series in conjunction with

2 cruiser handicap races at Acle Regatta (3 of 4 to count).


Competitors are requested to help the committee with the take down and clearance of the site after prize-giving.


Contact TMOR Coordinator



Pre-entry to TMOR and purchasing your evening meals in advance is now live via WebCollect. Purchasing in advance significantly helps us to plan this amazing weekend, so we urge you to enter the racing and/or order your evening food in advance to support the teams with the planning and preparation for the regatta.
The entry fee and food for 2024 has been discounted if you purchase in advance online, so we strongly recommend you to complete your entries before midday on Tuesday 21st May to benefit from the saving.
Ordering food in advance is the only way to guarantee your evening meals!
In order to enter the regatta and/or purchase your evening meals,
click this link and follow the instructions:
The secure on-line payment method for TMOR via WebCollect is PayPayl, however you don't need a PayPal
account to make the payment as you can also pay by credit/debit card via the PayPal screen.
If you have any questions on this, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





Help Required Setting Up


As you are aware, TMOR relies heavily on help from volunteers, especially for setting up and taking down the whole site. We really appreciate and need your help, and it can even be fun!

To volunteer please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  asap.

If you have a preference on what you are willing to undertake, please let me know.

  • Monday 20th May – main tasks are:
  • 10.00 am Position bridge - To assist Tom Moore and Ian Stewart - 1 or 2 volunteers required.
  • 11.00 to 16.006 volunteersneeded to prepare site, one safety boat needed, mower, rakes, strimmer’s and barrows. 3 on main site plus re-strim paths for moorings, and 3 on the point.
  • Tuesday 21st May.
  • No help required unless rained off on Monday. 
  • Wed 22nd May. 

AM Marquee being erected – no help required.

  • From Midday until 17.00 - 10 people to help please. Black trailer to site and empty it. Trailer back to Janice’s.
  • Generator arrives (Ian having collected am). Start electrics, set up bar, staging etc.
  • Thursday 23rd May 
  • 10.00 am Main moving in day – 12 people to help please. Bring tools to help set up bar and stage. Cleaning team for table and chairs. Gazebo. Erect tent on point and set up equipment. Car park signage and fencing. Plus, lots of other jobs!
  • Friday 24th May
  • 10.00 am 6 people to help please. Jobs include stocking the Bar, putting out regatta signs etc plus any outstanding jobs from Thursday. 
  • 18.00 Bar opens and the fun begins!
  • Monday 27thMay – take down! 
  • As many people as possible to help with take down please including 

2 - 3 people to supervise.






Help Manning Safety Boat


We are looking for volunteers for the safety boat over TMOR. We have the following time slots that need to be filled and we will be operating both boats if we can get enough volunteers.

Saturday: 9.00 – 11.00, 11.00 – 13.00, 13.00 - 15.00, 15:00 - Finish

Sunday: 08.30 - 10.30, 10.30 – 12.30, 12.30 - 14.30, 14.30 - 16.30, 16.30 - Finish

Monday: 08.30 – 10.00, 10.00 - 11.00, (COB starts at 11:30), 11.00 - Finish

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and indicate what times you are volunteering for and if you are happy to helm / or crew. It would be useful if you can provide a mobile contact number which will be shared with the OODs and Race Control. This is for safety reasons as a backup form of contact in case we have any issues with the radios during the weekend.

If you have your own buoyancy aid that would be great, but we do have some available if required. Please ensure you have suitable clothing for the weather (including sunscreen etc if needed). If you have a thermal cup, bring that along for your tea/coffee on the water.

We are asking people to try and turn up 5-10 minutes before their allotted time and report to race control.

Also needed are 3 guard boats for Cock of the Broads to be positioned by the marks. Monday from 11.00 until 14.30 (roughly).



Gofer Between Point and Race Control



A boat can be provided or if you have a suitable boat with an engine, you'd be welcome to use that if you preferred. This boat would not be required as a safety boat.

Again, any offers of help, a day, half day or one or more 2-hour slots, would be greatly appreciated


PLEASE CONTACT: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Catering Help Required


At the end of TMOR last year Ruth Thompson and many of her trusty team made the decision to hang up their TMOR aprons. No one could blame them, they have cooked and served TMOR brilliantly for so many years, they deserve to be the other side of the counter. Thank you!!

We have a new catering helm this year, Mike Jones. 

We have been offered some support in this area but would not turn anyone away who could volunteer to help with food preparation, serving and clearing up.

It would be great to see some new faces!

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Calling all Home Bakers, we really need cakes!!


"Apparently skinny people are easier to kidnap.

Stay safe, eat cake!!"

Every year you are so generous, we would really appreciate donations of cakes
to sell over the weekend. 

If you can bake or donate a cake, please bring it to the Marquee.

Thank you!



Bar Rota




A variety of shift times are available for helping behind the bar from Friday evening 18.00 hrs through to around 15.00 hrs on the Monday (start of prize giving).

One-hour shifts are available.

Full training will be given.

We would really love to see lots of new faces behind the bar, please don’t be shy.

Please email: Cally USING THIS LINK  to offer help


























































Friday 26th May (evening) to Monday 29th May 2023


For queries please contact:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

EACC look forward to welcoming you all to Thurne


PDF of the Printed Programme TMOR 2023

The anchor links below no longer work since transitioning to the new website but you can find the relevant bits by scrolling further down the page

◊ Sailing and Social Programme

◊ Important Information to All Participants

◊ Where to Moor

◊ Purchase Race Entry and/or Evening Food in Advance NOW CLOSED

◊ Cock of the Broads Briefing Notes

◊ Food available in the Marquee

◊ Help Required Setting Up

◊ Help Manning Safety Boat

◊ Gofer Wanted between Point and Race Control

◊ Make and Donate Cakes

◊ Volunteers for Bar Rota

Sailing and Social Programme

Food will be available in the marquee throughout the weekend.

See the blackboard below for details.

Friday 26th May

Bar Open in the evening - Chilli available from 18.30

Saturday 27th May

1. 11.00 Yare and Bure One Design

Tunbridge Cup (1st of 3 races, 2 to count)

2. 11.10 Broads One Design

Curtis Cup (1st of 5 races, 4 to count)

3. 11.15    Combined Allcomers Split starts as required (see S.I. 20.f.ii for trophy 

eligibility and rules) Grapes Cup / East Anglian Charity Cup  / Pat Atkins Cup   TMOR C Cup / Whitbread Lacon Trophy

4. 12.30 River Cruisers

Lady Caroline Cup - split start as required

5. 14.15 Yare and Bure One Design  (2nd of 3 races, 2 to count)

Tunbridge Cup

6. 14.25 Broads One Design (2nd of 5 races, 4 to count)

Curtis Cup 

7.  14.30 Combined Allcomers Split starts as required (see S.I. 20.f.ii for trophy 

eligibility and rules) Grapes Cup / East Anglian Charity Cup  / Pat Atkins Cup   TMOR C Cup / Whitbread Lacon Trophy

8. 15.45 *River Cruisers - split as required

Olorenshaw Cup for EACC Members

Perpetual trophy for non EACC members

9. 17.15 Crews Race

Dunkirk Trophy  (entries by 15.30 please)

Hog Roast available from 18.30

From 19.30-ish Live entertainment by “Umgawakagooga” - Happy Music From The Sixties, Seventies and Eighties

Sunday 28th May

10. 09.45 Yare and Bure One Design (3rd of 3 races, 2 to count)

Tunbridge Cup

11. 09.55 Broads One Design (3rd of 5 races, 4 to count)

Curtis Cup

12. 10.00 Combined Allcomers  (3rd of 3 races, 2 to count) Split starts as required (see S.I. 20.f.ii for trophy eligibility and rules) Grapes Cup / East Anglian Charity Cup  / Pat Atkins Cup / TMOR C Cup / Whitbread Lacon Trophy

13. 11.15 *River Cruisers (1st of 2 races, both to count) 

Ames Cup - split start as required

14. 12.30 Yare and Bure One Design  (1st of 2 races, both to count) 

Berry Cup

15. 12.40 Broads One Design (4th of 5 races, 4 to count) 

Curtis Cup

16. 12.45 Combined Allcomers (1st of 2 races, both to count) - split starts if  required, announced on the boards  (see S.I. 20.f.ii for trophy eligibility and rules) Pritchard Trophy / Siren Trophy / Jeckells Junior Helm Trophy / Whitbread Lacon Trophy / Thurne Cup

17. 14.00 River Cruisers  (2nd of 2 races, both  to count) 

Ames Cup - split start as required

18. 15.45 Mixed One Designs

Arrow Cup (see S.I. 20.f)

19. 16.40 Handicap for local boats - split starts as required

Herbert Woods Memorial Trophy (see rule 20h)

Burger Bar available from 18.30

From 19.30-ish Live entertainment by “Cutting the Mustard” A blend old and new songs from across the decades with skilled musicianship, harmonies and energy.

Monday 29th May

20. 9.45 Yare and Bure One Design  (2nd of 2 races, both to count) 

Berry Cup

21. 9.55 Broads One Design  (5th of 5 races, 4 to count) 

Curtis Cup

22. 10.00 Combined Allcomers - split starts as required  (see S.I. 20.f.ii for trophy eligibility and rules) Pritchard Trophy / Siren Trophy / Jeckells Junior Helm Trophy / Whitbread Lacon Trophy / Thurne Cup

23. 11.30 to 13.00 

Cock of the Broads Passage Race for Combined Cruisers Keelboats plus Allcomers and centre board or dagger board dinghies over 18ft in boat length

(for safety reasons no single handers will be allowed) minimum crew of two.

Helms must be 16 yrs or over on the date of Race.

The briefing for Cock of the Broads Passage race will be on posted on the EACC website and on the noticeboard in the marquee. 

Trophies:  Cock of the Broads - overall winner on handicap

Catriona Cup - first RCC boat (excluding the COB winner)

Ladybird Trophy - fastest passage (e.g. shortest elapsed time) inc. Allcomers Fantome Barometer - first RCC boat built before 1950

Eastwood Trophy - first lady helm

Fastest Yare and Bure One Design

Fastest Broads One Design

Fastest Allcomer on handicap (excluding keel boats) 

Competitors will book confidential start times from 9.00 am on the day of the race. Starts at 5 minute intervals from 11.30 am until 13.00 max 6 boats per start (the number of starters may be reduced by the committee if weather conditions dictate). Race duration approx. 1½  hours. There will be a cutoff time for finishing at 14.30 hrs.

*Races marked with an asterisk are part of the series for the Frosty Cup in conjunction with the 2 cruiser handicap races at Acle Regatta – (3 out of 4 to count).

Prize giving will be held in the marquee as soon as possible after the last race.

Competitors are asked, please, to help the committee with the take down and clearance
of the TMOR site after prize giving.


Early entry to TMOR and purchasing your evening meals in advance is via WebCollect which is our simple online process for pre-entering your boat into the regatta and purchasing food. 

The entry fee and food for 2023 has been discounted if you purchase in advance online, so we would advise you to complete your entries before midnight on
Tuesday 23rd May 
to benefit from the saving. 

Food and race entry extended by 36 hours to midday Thursday 25th May!!
Due to a late surge in orders we have extended the cut off to midday Thursday 25th May, to give you more time to enter the racing & purchase your food in advance at a discounted rate!

In order to enter the regatta and/or purchase your evening meals,
click this link and follow the instructions: 


The secure on-line payment method for TMOR via WebCollect is PayPayl, however you don't need a PayPal account to make the payment as you can also pay by credit/debit card. WebCollect will direct you to the secure Paypal payment screen for you to enter your payment details after you checked your basket out. 

If you have any questions on this, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Important information to all participants

To ensure we run a safe event: 

  • For all racing competitorsFollowing some incidents on the water at TMOR last year, the Broads Authority have requested that racing craft are aware that ‘All hire and private motor boats have been asked to keep to the RIGHT HAND BANK for safety’.  New signs will be displayed on all three approaches to our racing course.  Hirers may have only just picked up their hire cruiser for the weekend so please allow them to keep to the right hand bank.  
  • PLEASE MOOR ONLY IN THE LOCATIONS SUGGESTED IN THE MOORING SECTION BELOW and follow the guidance and restrictions outlined. Thank you.
  • Regrettably THIS YEAR THERE IS TO BE NO CAMPING or SLEEPING IN VEHICLES ON THE CAR PARKING FIELD– Please try to find a berth on a boat or contact other local campsites. Car parking is by kind permission of the landowners. Please always treat their land with respect and follow signs for parking.
  • For ease of access to boats moored between the Marquee and Thurne Dyke, paths have been cut. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE ADDITIONAL PATHS IN THE REEDBED,so as not to disturb nesting birds and other wildlife. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILDREN TO PLAY IN THE REEDBED for the same reason.
  • Please always use the handrail when using the bridge to and from the car park and toilets, and take care when using it. Children should be supervised when using the bridge and should not play on or around it.
  • No dogs allowed in the marquee at any time and should be under control when near the marquee.
  • After dark, please take extreme care due to surrounding dykes / marshes.
  • Remember to adhere to the speed limits on the water.



Cock of the Broads Passage Race

Start times for the COCK OF THE BROADS Passage Race will be accepted from

9am on Monday 29th May in the marquee.

Competitors will book confidential start times which will be at 5 minute intervals

from 11:30 am.




Moorings this year are limited so please moor carefully and considerately.

The options for mooring at TMOR are:

  • The EACC site frontage
  • Thurne Dyke either side
  • River reed bank between the marquee and the private moorings before Thurne Dyke. We would advise that you do not jump from your boat to the reed bed due to the uneven and boggy surface, please step down carefully. Paths have been cut for ease of access. NO ADDITIONAL PATHS ARE TO BE MADE IN THE REED BED PLEASE in order to protect nesting birds and other wildlife.
  • The quay headed South Walsham bank of the Bureupstream of the Starting Line at Thurne Mouth.

Regrettably THIS YEAR THERE IS TO BE NO MOORING ON THE FORMER 24 HOUR MOORINGS at Boundary Farm, downstream of the Marquee.

If using a tender, please be considerate when mooring near the marquee.


Please do NOT use the floating pontoons during the day as this is used for safety boats.



Help Required Setting Up

As you are aware, TMOR relies heavily on help from volunteers, especially for setting up and taking down the whole site. We really appreciate your help and it can even be enjoyable! Many hands etc!

To volunteer please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. asap. If you have a preference on what you are willing to undertake, please let me know.

Monday 22 May – main tasks are:
10.00 am  Position bridge  (Tom Moore to lead)  4 volunteers with two powerful 4 wheel drive vehicles (or Tom’s tractor!) – one on rhond (Tom), one in field.

11.00 to 16.00   6 volunteers needed to prepare site, one safety boat needed, mower, rakes, strimmer’s and barrows. 3 on main site plus re-strim paths for moorings, and 3 on the point.


Tuesday 23 May
AM/PM  no help required unless rained off on Monday.  


Wed 24 May 
AM Marquee being erected – 
no help required

From Midday until 1700 - 10 people to help please . Black trailer to site and empty it. Trailer back to Janice’s.

Generator arrives (Ian having collected am). Start electrics, set up bar, staging etc.


Thursday 25 May 10.00 am Main moving in day – 12 people to help please. Bring tools to help set up bar and stage. Cleaning team for table and chairs.  Gazebo. Erect tent on point and set up equipment. Car park signage and fencing. Plus lots of other jobs!

Friday 26 May

10.00 am 6 people to help pls. Jobs include stocking the Bar, putting out regatta signs etc plus any outstanding jobs from Thursday.   

18.00 Bar opens and the fun begins!

Monday 29 May – take down! 

As many people as possible to help with take down please including 2 - 3 people to supervise.


Help Manning Safety Boat

We are looking for volunteers for the safety boat over TMOR. We have the following time slots that need to be filled and we will be operating both boats if we can get enough volunteers.

We still need cover for the following times:

Saturday: 9.00 – 10.30;  10.30 – Midday; Midday to 14:00; 14:00 - 15:30 and 15:30 - 18:00

Sunday: 08.30 – 09.15; 9.15 – 11.00; 11:00 – 13.30; 13.30 – 15.30 and 15:30 - 17:30

Monday: 08.30 – 09.15; 09.15- 11.00;  11:00 and 11:00 - 15:30 (CoB starts at 11:30)

*Note: Monday last shift is an estimated finishing time for the racing.

Please email Liz -  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and indicate what times you are volunteering for and if you are happy to helm / or crew. It would be useful if you can provide a mobile contact number which will be shared with the OODs and Race Control. This is for safety reasons as a backup form of contact in case we have any issues with the radios during the weekend.

If you have your own buoyancy aid that would be great, but we do have some available if required. Please ensure you have suitable clothing for the weather (including sunscreen etc if needed). We are asking people to try and turn up 5-10 minutes before their allotted time and report to race control.

Also needed 3 guard boats for Cock of the Broads to be positioned by the marks. Monday from 11.00 until 14.30 (roughly).


Gofer Between Point and Race Control



A boat can be provided or if you have a suitable boat with an engine you'd be welcome to use that if you preferred. This boat would not be required as a safety boat.

Again any offers of help, a day, half day or one or more 2 hour slots, would be greatly appreciated


PLEASE CONTACT: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Calling all Home Bakers!

Every year you are so generous, we would really appreciate donations of cakes
to sell over the weekend. 

If you can bake or donate a cake please bring it to the Marquee.

Thank you


Bar Rota


Shifts still available (evenings covered with thanks to those who have already volunteered):

1.       Saturday Midday until 7pm

2.       Sunday Midday until 7pm

3.       Monday Midday until 15.00 (or the beginning of prize giving)

One hour shifts available plus training available.

Please email: Cally This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  to offer help